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27th Feb 2024 | News
On 27 February 2024, the Privy Council handed down its decision in Mussington and anor v Development Control Authority and ors [2024] UKPC 3. The Board unanimously allowed an appeal by the appellants, John Mussington and Jacklyn Frank, against the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss their challenge to the development of a runway on the island of Barbuda, on the ground that they lacked standing to bring such a claim.
The appeal concerned a judicial review challenge of the Antigua & Barbuda Development Control Authority’s decision dated 6 July 2018 to grant a development permit for the construction of an airport on the Caribbean island of Barbuda, a small island with a population of around 2,000 people, which was devastated on 6 September 2017 by Hurricane Irma.
Adam Riley appeared as junior counsel for the appellants, led by Marc Willers KC, Leslie Thomas KC, Stephen Cottle and Thalia Maragh of Garden Court Chambers.
All counsel acted pro bono.
Full details of the case can be read here.
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