22nd Dec 2021 | News


3 Hare Court is delighted to announce that, on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor & Justice Secretary, Her Majesty The Queen has approved the appointment of our Joint Head of Chambers, Jeffrey Golden, as Queen’s Counsel Honoris Causa (Honorary QC).

The title ‘Honorary QC’ is awarded to those who have made a major contribution to, and impact on, the law of England and Wales, and how it is advanced, outside practice in the courts. The announcement includes the following description of Jeff’s career:

Jeffrey Golden is a UK-based US Attorney, academic and a non-barrister joint head of chambers. His ground-breaking and innovative work in the swaps and the derivatives field, with his role in the creation of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Master Agreement and the ISDA protocol, has led him to be considered as one of the principal architects of the capital markets. Jeffrey has made an outstanding contribution to London’s development and recognition as an international legal centre and in supporting new entrants into the profession.

The awards ceremony is currently scheduled to take place early 2022.

Chambers proudly congratulates Jeff for achieving this much deserved recognition!


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Barristers at 3 Hare Court are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.



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