We provide a wide range of advocacy and advisory services in the UK and internationally. We pride ourselves on our approachable and friendly outlook and our ability to build strong relationships with clients. Our barristers have received over 40 individual rankings covering 15 practice areas across the legal directories, including in Civil Fraud, Commercial Litigation, Insolvency and Travel amongst others. We are supported by a highly experienced, friendly and responsive practice management team, headed by James Donovan.
The court discussed the correct approach to determining whether a customer had been sold a “package” within the meaning of the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 reg.2(1). In determining whether components were sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price, it was necessary to answer the factual question of whether the services were being sold or offered for sale as components of a combination, or whether they were being sold or offered for sale separately, but at the same time.
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