Adam practices across all of Chambers core areas of work, with a focus on commercial disputes, international arbitration, company and insolvency, travel, and public & constitutional law.

Adam has been led in the Supreme Court and in 12 appeals as junior counsel in the Privy Council representing governments, businesses and individuals as clients across the Commonwealth (including from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda). He is also an experienced trial advocate in his own right, frequently handling trials, appeals, interim applications, preliminary hearings, and costs and case management conferences as sole counsel in the High Court and County Court. He is recognised in the Legal 500 as a Rising Star (Tier 1) in two categories: ‘Administrative Law and Human Rights’, and ‘The English Bar (Offshore)’, which describes him as “thoughtful, comprehensive and analytical” in his approach.

Adam is a member of the Attorney General’s C-Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown.

Highlights include:

Commercial & Arbitration

  • Advising on the impact of sanctions and domestic and foreign law illegality in an ongoing international arbitration alleging breach of a financial services agreement.
  • Advising on the torts of malicious prosecution and conspiracy and on obtaining non-party costs orders in an ongoing commercial matter concerning the breach of an outsourcing agreement valued at ca. £8,000,000.

Constitutional & Public law

Company & Insolvency


  • Instructed to recover a tour operator’s outlay in the sum of over £1,175,000 against a hotel, in respect of a compromised claim in which a visitor to the hotel had suffered serious injury.

Adam is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (ACIarb). He is also a member of the International Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Committee, and also sits on the Commonwealth Lawyers Association’s Human Rights and Rule of Law committee and Public Law committee. He is also a contributor to various legal journals and has written for the Kluwer Arbitration Blog, the Jamaica Bar Association’s journal as well as the Commonwealth Lawyers Association journal.

Adam is strongly committed to pro bono work, having worked on asylum claims with an international NGO in Greece before commencing practice.


Adam’s offshore practice includes regular appearances as junior counsel in appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the Caribbean. He has appeared in appeals from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda. He is ranked as a Rising Star (Tier 1) in the Legal 500 in “The English Bar (Offshore)” category.

Adam regularly acts for governments, businesses and individuals, and is keen to continue to build his offshore practice. His experience encompasses the full range of offshore work, including constitutional law, commercial law, judicial review, election law, general common law and criminal appeals.

Recent cases where Adam has been instructed as junior counsel include:

  • John Mussington and anor v Development Control Authority and ors [2024] UKPC 3: The critical question in this appeal was whether the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal was correct to conclude that the appellants did not have standing to pursue judicial review proceedings of the development permit for the construction of a new airport runway on the island of Barbuda. Adam appeared for the appellants pro bono led by, amongst others, Marc Willers K.C. and Leslie Thomas K.C., supported by the Global Legal Action Network. The appeal attracted significant media coverage.
  • Matadai Roopnarine v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2023] UKPC 30: The appellant sued in the tort of malicious prosecution. The Judge at first instance dismissed this appeal after hearing a no case to answer submission, which decision was upheld by a majority in the Court of Appeal. This decision restates the principles applicable to no case to answer submissions in a civil law context.
  • Caryn Moss v The King [2023] UKPC 28: The appellant was tried and convicted on the charge of conspiracy to murder. The issues before the Board included whether the defence of duress arose on the evidence (assuming it was available at law) and whether the Court of Appeal had erred when substituting a lengthier sentence. Adam was led by Rowan Pennington-Benton.
  • Ravi Balgobin Maharj v The Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago [2023] 1 W.L.R. 2870: The question before the Board in this appeal concerned whether a law amending the fixed term of councillors and aldermen in local government applied to prospective office-holders as well as incumbents. Adam was led by Anand Ramlogan S.C.
  • Tafari Morrison v The King [2023] UKPC 14: The appellant pleaded guilty to a range of offences including wounding with intent. The issue in the appeal was whether the sentence imposed was unconstitutional because it was determined in accordance with a statutory minimum and, it was argued by the Appellant, contrary to international human rights standards. Adam was led by Peter Knox K.C. on behalf of the Crown.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago v JM (A minor by his kin and Next Friend NM) [2022] UKPC 54: Led in a successful constitutional challenge on behalf of the appellant who, aged nine, was removed into the custody of the State. The appellant was the victim of abuse in several state institutions. The Board held that the appellant’s rights to the security of the person, protection of the law, and his right not to be subjected to the imposition of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment had been violated. The judgment clarifies the approach that should be taken when awarding vindicatory and compensatory damages for breaches of constitutional rights. Adam was led by Rob Strang and Anand Ramlogan S.C.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago v Akili Charles [2023] 1 W.L.R. 177:The appellant was accused of murder and imprisoned on remand. The preliminary inquiry into the charge was required to be restarted after the elevation of the supervising magistrate to the High Court bench. Led in a successful constitutional challenge asserting that the appellant’s right to protection of the law was breached as a result. Adam was led by Rowan Pennington-Benton and Anand Ramlogan S.C.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago (Appellant) v Akili Charles (Respondent) No 2 (Trinidad and Tobago) [2022] UKPC 31: Led in the successful challenge, on behalf of the appellant, concerning the constitutionality of the Bail Act which had provided for the automatic denial of bail to persons charged with murder. Adam was led by Anand Ramlogan S.C. from Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Suraj and others v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2023] A.C. 337: Led in this appeal concerning the constitutionality of the Coronavirus Regulations 2020, confirming the correct approach to interpretation of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Trinidad and Tobago Constitution, and the scope of the legislative savings provisions contained in the Constitution. Adam was led by Peter Knox K.C. and Anand Ramlogan S.C.
  • Satyanand Maharaj v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2022] UKPC 26: Led in a constitutional challenge to guidelines issued pursuant to local Covid-19 regulations purporting to institute criminal offences regulating the functioning of religious establishments. Adam was led by Anand Ramlogan S.C.

Adam has a particular interest in legal developments in the Caribbean and has written articles for the Jamaican Bar Association Journal and the Commonwealth Lawyers Association Journal. He is also a member of the Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association Public and Administrative Law Committee, as well as the Association’s Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee.

Adam has a broad practice encompassing all aspects of commercial and commercial / chancery dispute resolution. He regularly appears in and advises on a range of general commercial matters in the High Court and County Court and has a particular interest in civil fraud and cross-border cases.

Highlights include:

  • Appearing in the High Court led by Daniel Feetham K.C. and Rowan Pennington-Benton opposing interim injunctive relief and seeking reverse summary judgment and/or strike out on a claim valued at just under £3,000,000.
  • Appearing as sole counsel and successfully arguing a forum non conveniens point in a complex trust dispute: Scott & Ors v Walker & Ors [2024] EWHC 636 (Ch).
  • Advising on prospects of success in a claim alleging breach of a forex agreement valued at ca £1,500,000.
  • Advising on the torts of malicious prosecution and conspiracy and on obtaining non-party costs orders in an ongoing commercial matter concerning the breach of an outsourcing agreement valued at ca. £8,000,000.
  • Advising on causation and proof of loss in respect of a ca. £1,000,000 loss of profit claim following breach of contract.
  • Advising on the application of sanctions in a range of commercial contexts.
  • Advising trustees on the procurement of Beddoe relief and on obtaining Berkeley Applegate orders.
  • Advising on the enforcement of Gibraltar judgments in England and Wales.
  • Advising multinational supermarket chains on breach of contract and negligence claims against a haulier company.
  • Advising on potential claims against an insurer which had refused to make payments pursuant to a life insurance policy following the death of the insured.
  • Advising on service, merits and evidence in a subrogated claim by an insurer to recover their outlay in respect of a claim brought against their insured following an accident out of jurisdiction.

Adam accepts instructions across the full spectrum of company and insolvency litigation and advisory work and is regularly instructed to appear in winding up and bankruptcy petitions.

He was recently led as junior counsel in the Supreme Court by Peter Knox K.C. in the landmark appeal Lifestyle Equities C.V. and anor v Ahmed and anor [2024] UKSC 17. The case restates the law on directors’ duties, accessory liability and orders for an account of profits.

Further highlights include:

  • Assisting Richard Samuel in an unfair prejudice petition concerning the scope of directors’ duties under the Companies Act 2006 in the context of historic allegations of racism and discrimination in Re Prospect Place (Wimbledon) Management Co Ltd [2022] EWHC 76 (Ch).
  • Drafting in a complex unfair prejudice petition involving allegations of conflicts of interest and breaches of statutory, fiduciary and common law director’s duties.

Adam’s expertise in public law matters is informed by his experience being led as junior counsel in numerous appeals before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. He is also a member of the Attorney General’s C-Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown. Adam is ranked as a Rising Star (Tier 1) in the Legal 500 in the “Administrative and Human Rights Law” category.

Adam is also a member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association Public and Administrative Law Committee, as well as the Association’s Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee.

Highlights include:

  • Advising government clients on various technical issues concerned with the passage of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act as it progressed through Parliament.
  • Acting as junior counsel in an ongoing judicial review on behalf of the Department of Business and Trade and HM Treasury, concerning the implementation of the UK-Australian Free Trade Deal.
  • John Mussington and anor v Development Control Authority and ors [2024] UKPC 3: The critical question in this appeal was whether the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal was correct to conclude that the Appellants did not have standing to pursue judicial review proceedings of the development permit for the construction of a new airport runway on the island of Barbuda. Adam appeared for the Appellants pro bono led by Marc Willers K.C. and Leslie Thomas K.C., supported by the Global Legal Action Network.
  • Ravi Balgobin Maharj v The Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago [2023] 1 W.L.R. 2870: The question before the Board in this appeal concerned whether a law amending the fixed term of councillors and aldermen in local government applied to prospective office-holders as well as incumbents. Adam was led by Anand Ramlogan S.C.
  • Tafari Morrison v The King [2023] UKPC 14: The appellant pleaded guilty to a range of offences including wounding with intent. The issue in the appeal was whether the sentence imposed was unconstitutional because it was determined in accordance with a statutory minimum and, it was argued by the Appellant, contrary to international human rights standards. Adam was led by Peter Knox K.C. on behalf of the Crown.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago v JM (A minor by his kin and Next Friend NM) [2022] UKPC 54: led in a successful constitutional challenge on behalf of the appellant who, aged nine, was removed into the custody of the State. The appellant was the victim of abuse in several state institutions. The Board held that the appellant’s rights to the security of the person, protection of the law, and his right not to be subjected to the imposition of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment had been violated. The judgment additionally clarifies the approach that should be taken when awarding vindicatory and compensatory damages for breaches of constitutional rights.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago v Akili Charles [2023] 1 W.L.R. 177: The Appellant was accused of murder and imprisoned on remand. The preliminary inquiry into the charge was required to be restarted after the elevation of the supervising magistrate to the High Court bench. Led in a successful constitutional challenge asserting that the Appellant’s right to protection of the law had been breached as a result.
  • Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago (Appellant) v Akili Charles (Respondent) No 2 (Trinidad and Tobago) [2022] UKPC 31: Led in the successful challenge, on behalf of the appellant, concerning the constitutionality of the Bail Act which had provided for the automatic denial of bail to persons charged with murder.
  • Suraj and others v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2023] A.C. 337: Led in this appeal concerning the constitutionality of the Coronavirus Regulations 2020, confirming the correct approach to interpretation of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Trinidad and Tobago Constitution, and the scope of the legislative savings provisions contained in the Constitution.
  • Satyanand Maharaj v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago [2022] UKPC 26: Led in a constitutional challenge to guidelines issued pursuant to local Covid-19 regulations purporting to institute criminal offences regulating the functioning of religious establishments.

Adam is building his expertise across the full range of international arbitration work. He has knowledge of the ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL and ICSID arbitration rules and he has written for the Kluwer Arbitration Blog. He is also an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Highlights include:

  • Assisting in an ICSID arbitration in The Bahamas valued at up to US$350,000,000.
  • Advising on the impact of sanctions and domestic and foreign law illegality in an arbitration alleging breach of a financial services agreement.
  • Advising in an arbitration arising out of a shareholder dispute and on various jurisdictional objections.
  • Advising on the ability of parties to arbitral proceedings to challenge awards on grounds of lack of substantive jurisdiction pursuant to section 67 of the Arbitration Act 1996.

Adam accepts instructions in a range of professional negligence claims.

Highlights include:

  • Advising on merits and quantum (applying loss of chance principles) in a claim against an individual’s former legal advisors where the intended claimant had wanted to appeal a planning decision, only for their legal team to miss the statutory deadline for doing so.
  • Assisting in a claim for damages due to misconduct of litigation and settlement at an undervalue in a case involving a high-value equal pay claim.

Adam is instructed in contractual and personal injury matters involving the Package Travel Regulations (both the 1992 and 2018 iterations) as well as in claims pursuant to the Montreal Convention, the Athens Convention and under EC Regulation 261/2004. He regularly appears in trials and drafts advices and pleadings in disputes involving jurisdictional and conflict of laws issues. He also has experience of CEDR adjudication work.

Adam acts in a range of cross-border and domestic personal injury matters. He also accepts instructions to advise matters relating to liability, causation, quantum, evidence, costs and appeals.

Recently, Adam was instructed to recover a tour operator’s outlay in the sum of over £1,175,000 against a hotel, in respect of a compromised claim in which a visitor to the hotel had suffered serious injury.

‘Adam is very knowledgeable on East Caribbean Civil Procedure as well as the workings on the Privy Council on appeal from the East Caribbean courts. He is very intelligent and knowledgeable about the law, he is very interested in and committed to Caribbean work, and is already making a good name for himself.’ - Caribbean - The English Bar Offshore - Other expertise (Rising Star)

Legal 500 2025

'He is enthusiastic and articulate on his feet and is particularly impressive before the Privy Council.' - The English Bar Offshore

Legal 500 2024

'Adam is thoughtful, comprehensive and analytical. His attention to detail and command of language is shown through his cogent and thorough arguments.' - Administrative law and human rights > Rising stars

Legal 500 2024

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